There are different methods to discover the individuals who have unfollowed you, and what is far and away superior is that they are all free.
How ever, for the sake of this tutorial, we will be talking about the statusbrew way.
When you are followed by someone on twitter , a notification is generally sent to your email or phone number in view of your communication preference settings, however there is no twitter notification when somebody unfollows you therefore making it hard to discover who unfollows you on twitter.
On this post, you'll find how to discover the individuals who unfollows you on twitter quick and free!
The most effective method to Get Started
1. Clench hand, Signup for an account on
2. Once you've completed the sign up, login to your dashboard
3. Tap on "Connect A Profile"
4. Select Twitter as the account and click Authorize!
After successfully authorizing, you would now be able to get to all the Statusbrew features including checking Twitter Unfollowers and when they unfollow you.
Step by step instructions to Find Out Who Recently Unfollows You On Twitter
Login to your Statusbrew Dashboard
Tap on Tracking (situated at the left side)
Presently tap on " New Unfollowers"
In which it would show rundown of twitter users who as of late unfollowed you in like manner the time they did it.
Instructions to See Who Doesn't Follow Back On Twitter
You can likewise check those that are on your rundown yet not following back. All you need to do is tap on the " Not Following Back" on the third line after " New Unfollowers"
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