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Friday, 14 July 2017

How to download any WhatsApp status you want

WhatsApp are increasingly improving and adding new features as of late, features that makes the experience even more beautiful and fun, one of such features is the all new status Features.

The old status feature I'm WhatsApp allows you to add only text status, but with the latest update, you can now add pictures, videos and GIFs to your WhatsApp status,the feature, like instagram stories stays only for 24 hours, after which it disappears,its really fun, if you haven't tried it, please do give it a try.

One issue about the WhatsApp stories is that, unlike WhatsApp profile pictures, it can not be downloaded,some people have resorted to screenshotting, but you will get some parts of the image covered by texts,some people may be okay with this, but you can't screenshot videos by the way,however, we will teach you a really easy way of downloading it with this short trick.

1. Android Phone
2. WhatsApp status
3. A file Explorer that has access to your root (I recommend ES Explorer here because it is quite easy to use compared to others, plus it has a lot of features that may come in handy, pls download it from the play Store)
4. 2 minutes of your time

If you have all of these, then let's get down to business.

How to download any WhatsApp status I like

Open your WhatsApp, go to the status tab and view any status you wish to download, be it video, gif, or pictures.

Example above

After viewing it, then close your WhatsApp, head to your ES Explorer and open it.

Now, why I chose this file manager is that it brings you every latest addition to your phone in one click, it's quite easy.

After opening it, the first screen you will see is the screen in the picture below.

This screen contains the recycle bin, all your images, music, videos, files and document, in one categorized place, no matter what folder you stored them.

In the screen above, tap the Logger option.

This is the logger screen in my phone, if you look closely, you will notice that the status we viewed earlier is showing there, now long press it to open more selections, more options will appear under the Explorer screen as seen in the image above, now select copy, move to any folder you wish, and paste it there.

For those using other features explorers, you have to navigate to storage/sdcard0/WhatsApp/Media/.Statuses in order to see all the statuses.

Now check your gallery, wolla, you just downloaded your desired status.

That's it, keep visiting TutsMap for more tutorials.

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