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Friday, 28 July 2017

How To Easily Schedule Text Messages To send On A Later Date/Time

When the issue of best phone frameworks arise, no one can doubt the superiority of Android in that aspect, Android is on a world of its own entirely, it is open source which means that you can modify it to whatever your taste is, another factor which makes the Android more superior is its unlimited number of applications, as at the last count, there were over a billion Android applications on the Google play store, that is aside the thousands that are not on the play store due to diverse reasons.

In life, there comes those times when we need to felicitate with some of our friends and families on their special days like birthdays, wedding anniversary, and so forth, but due to our ever busy schedule, we always forget this, yesterday was my dad's birthday and I was so carried away with the daily bustlings of the life in Lagos that I forgot about his birthday, even when he called me later in the day, I still didn't remember as I picked up and answered him like every normal day until he mentioned the word to me, I felt so embarrassed and apologized instantly, so I wanna use this platform to tell my dad (Mr Morris) that I love him, another scenario is an instance where I had to send a text to my secretary to print some documents as against the day of usage which was Sunday, but It was past office time and I knew her to be an avid church goer (an usher),I knew she will probably be in church and didn't need to disturb her, so I settled for texting her later, but that never happened as it skipped my memory and I had to apologize to the people for bringing the documents in the last minute. I know how it can be for a busy man who forgets his wife's birthday, home can be hell for him on that day (lol).

All these scenarios were the push behind writing this tutorial, how will it feel if you are able to schedule text messages to send at a later date? Cool huh, we needn't bother about remembering anymore, all we nerd to do is write the text and schedule it, and it sends automatically at the scheduled time, to do this, we will be using this beautiful Android application called Text Later, this is a free application that sends messages at a scheduled time, this is a simple solution to send text messages at a later time or date, by default, the app sends messages at 15 minutes intervals, but you can change it to anytime you want by clicking in the settings tab.


- Sending messages at any scheduled date or time of your choice

- Save sent messages in the traditional sent messages app on your phone so you can read whatever you sent at anytime.

- Simple user friendly interface

- Start at boot

- Notifications for sent messages


Follow the below steps to successfully schedule texts for a later sending.

1. Download and install Text Later Here or from Google Playstore (Your device must be running Android 2.2 and above)

2. Tap Schedule SMS.

3. On the opened windows, select the recipient(s)

4. Type the message, and tap Message Delivery to set the time of sending the text message.

* You can change the scheduling interval (time in between each text) from the settings menu, and you can decrease the interval to 1 minute.

4. and the text message will be sent at the exact specified time and date.

No more worries about wifeys birthday.

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