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Thursday, 27 July 2017

How To Fix Ghost Screen Touches On Your Android Device

I have seen an exceptionally irritating issue of the touchscreen when phone is charging.

While connected to a charger, on the off chance that you attempt to use your phone, it will be clicking everywhere, not giving anything near what you wanted to click.

What is the ghost touch problem?

Ghost touch/screen (or touch glitches) are the terms used
when your screen responds to presses that you're not actually making, or when there's a section of your phone screen that's completely unresponsive to your touch. Exactly what the 'ghost' presses will do varies
from device to device, but it seems to be more common in some devices than others.

This ghost touches is a normal issue among smartphones like iphones, Samsung Galaxy, Sony Xperia, Tecno, Microsoft, Micromax, Gionee, Hisense and all other major smartphone developers. They are no enormous issue to stress over yet there is no perpetual fix to the issue. On the off chance that you consider going to your phone's service store, they will for the most part suggest that you perform a factory reset which is not an answer and will in no way fix the issue.

Here are couple of possible solutions to settle the issue which may rely upon various conditions:

Solution 1.

Generally ghost touches happen due to electric faults or fluctuating power sources to the gadget, I personally suffer from this issue and I have come to discover that it only occurs when I connect my phone to certain power outputs in my house, and also some certain extension boxes, I have however found a good extension box which doesn't cause the ghost screen, Endeavor to plug your phone at some other place with a different power supply and search for the issue, if the issue persist, then most likely your USB cord is causing the issue. Attempt getting a new one. Be that as it may, if the touchscreen works normally at a different place, then the issue is caused by current faults at your place.

Endeavor to charge it using the correct current supply indicated on the charger.

Solution 2.

Use the original charger and USB connector for the smartphone while charging.

Abstain from using any 3rd party USB cord or connector, especially those cheap ones in the market.

Solution 3.

Plug your phone to a stabilizer set, Fitting your phone to a stabilizer box as it diminishes electric fluctuations and give path for smooth power supply.

Solution 4.

You can charge your phone easily using portable workstation, PC or power banks and so forth. which gives steady power supply accordingly counteracting the issue of touchscreen bad conduct. In spite of the fact that charging happens slowly, it is best technique to avert ghost touches.

Solution 5.

Ghost touches are regular among smartphones and is not a major issue to stress over. There is a troublesome but simple strategy. Try not to use your smartphone while charging (I know it's hard to maintain a strategic distance from your smartphone), but give it a chance to charge, then unplug and use.

Ghost touches are not sufficiently serious to cause any technical issue.

Solution 6.

There is another more troublesome but simple technique to charge your phone. Switch off your smartphone and charge. This technique is not appreciable since many individuals won't agree to power off their smartphones due to many reasons, yet at the same time it can be rehearsed.

Solution 7.

Updating phone software may not ensure settling of the issue yet at the same time can do it.

Do not factory reset your phone, ghost screens are caused by external factors, don't let anyone deceive you to wipe your device

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