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Sunday, 16 July 2017

how to stop your Mac from going to sleep while downloading

A great deal of us use our PC for things more than just browsing the Internet,We use it to render or convert video's, download/uploading substantial files, videos and numerous different things. It can be irritating to simply sit tight for it to complete and move your mouse to keep the macintosh screen on until your downloads or render is finished.

<img src=""https://support.apple.com/library/content/dam/edam/applecare/images/en_US/mac_apps/mac-photo-app-osx-hero.jpg/>
You can't generally leave your macintosh settings on "Never" go to sleep because it will be over depleting the machine, particularly when it's night, furthermore, you your self needs to sleep ! obviously you don't need an alarm just to wake up and turn off your macintosh however at the same time you likewise need your work to be done on the macintosh.

So what do you do ???

Steps to keep MacBook from resting while at the same time downloading a file?

On the off chance that you would prefer not to install any software or change settings, you can use the Terminal utility caffeinate.

Step 1 : Open Terminal (situated in /Applications/Utilities/),

Step 2 : type in caffeinate ,

Step 3: press return ↩︎.

On the off chance that you need to set a timeout so it will go to sleep after some measure of time, use this:

caffeinate - t 21600

(21600 is the Seconds, which makes it 6 hours)

Step 4: To stop or turn off the caffeinate command, press Control + C, Or, on the other hand use the command on terminal "Kill Caffeinate"

This will restore the macintosh to its typical sleep or whatever your energy settings are on.

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