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Wednesday, 2 August 2017

How To Change The Password Of A Pc Without Knowing The Old Password

Ever been in a circumstance whereby you were left with a pc however don't have the foggiest idea about the secret key mix to it? Ever set your pc password and forgot it? Or, on the other hand perhaps you simply need to bail out a careless companion? Well it is conceivable to change a pc password without knowing the old password.

You can change the password without knowing the current secret key. In any case, this trick works just when your PC is by and by signed in.

How To Change Your Windows Password Without Knowing The Old Password

step1: Right click on PC and select Manage

step2: Go to Local users and Groups choice and after that tap on users . You can see the rundown of users.

step3: Right click on the user whose secret key you need to change and after that select set password

step4: tap on continue on the pop up window

step5: Enter the new password and tap on Ok .


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